Nyckelharpa courses 3 DHW 2024-12-08

Your first tunes (and some boring scales)






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Make music with your nycKelharpa

Depending on what level you start at when you begin to play the nyckelharpa, it might be possible to go directly to ”real” nyckelharpa tunes, but for most of beginners, the best is to start playing songs you know since before. It can be songs you have been singing at school or similar.

If you think you already are passed this level, you can go directly to the scales and triads instead. 

Why do scales and triads, it look so boring? Yes, it is pretty boring but it gives you a good practice where you after some time do not need to think so much regarding what key you should press and instead you can focus on having a good rythm and let the bow create a nice and warm tone.

When it comes to triads, many tunes uses triads a lot, so it is perfect to have this as a stable ground. 

Completing this course will help you:

Who is the course for?

It is for anyone who is at the beginning of their nyckelharpa journey

Learning Path

Well know song that is easy to play as a beginner

Video slow tempo

Video normal tempo

Sheet music, normal

Sheet music numerals 


Different text around the world, but the music is the same

Video slow tempo

Video normal tempo

Sheet music, normal

Sheet music numerals 

Depending on how your nyckelharpa is tuned it can be a little bit different regarding how advanced this is

Video C-major scale

Video D-major scale

Video G-major scale

Sheet music C, D and G-major scale

Sheet music numericans C, D and G-major scale (D-tuning)

Sheet music numericans C, D and G-major scale (D-tuning)


Video C-major triad

Video D-major triad

Video G-major triad

Sheet music C, D and G-major triads

Sheet music numerical C, D and G-major triads

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Video 48 Min  + 2 Min read to complete

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